These days I’m a parent of a fourth grader, a seventh grader and a tenth grader, and I work as an education consultant with families. Daily I have calls with parents who talk with me about how to support, education plan and solve problems as they arise. So I am IN it as any parent of a school-aged parent would be. Here are a few pieces of advice I live by and share with my clients.
Number One: You, the parent, are the leader of your child’s education experience. This means if you love what is happening, then Great! But if you do not love what you see happening, then Speak Up!
Parents play a crucial role in their child’s education experience, and it’s essential to be proactive in shaping it. While schools have their own policies and procedures, parents can and should advocate for their child’s needs. If you’re unhappy with something your child’s school is doing, don’t hesitate to ask questions and seek more information. Communicate your concerns constructively and respectfully, and work with the school to find solutions for everyone. Remember that you are your child’s best advocate and leader regarding their education. And – if you need help with communication, that is what Evolved Education Consultants provide!
Number Two: Your messaging to schools is important and sometimes difficult to form.
Effective communication is critical to building solid relationships with your child’s school. However, it can be challenging to know how to express your concerns and needs in a clear and collaborative way. It may be helpful to seek guidance from a professional who can help you identify your goals and develop effective communication strategies. This might involve learning to frame your concerns as questions rather than criticisms or exploring different ways to express your thoughts and feelings. By working with a professional, you can learn how to create strong partnerships with your child’s school that support your child’s growth and development. One of my favorite things to do with my clients is to listen to them and help them form outlines and scripts for their school-facing conversations.
Number Three: Plans and Problem-Solving Often Require Questions and Ideas Best Brought Forth With Conversation and Questioning with Professionals.
Planning is essential for supporting your child’s educational journey. However, it’s not always easy to anticipate what questions to ask or what solutions might be available. This is where an educational professional can be beneficial. We can help you identify potential challenges and opportunities that you may not have considered and offer insights into solutions that might be helpful. By working with a professional, you can better understand the educational landscape and feel more confident in making informed decisions about your child’s education.
These three pieces of advice highlight the importance of parents taking an active role in their child’s education, communicating effectively with their child’s school, and seeking professional guidance when necessary. By doing so, parents can help ensure their child receives the support and resources they need to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. For more information about our team can be your education consultant, contact us at