
Executive Function Coaching That Works

An article by Mary Miele

Executive Function Coaching THAT WORKS

Maybe one day not long ago, your 7th grader needed executive functioning support…

You spent hours scouring the Internet for the perfect executive function tutor, and finally, you found one. 

They scheduled to come by the very next week, and you were filled with hope and relief.

When the day finally came, the tutor arrived promptly and spent the hour setting up your child’s calendar and to-do list. They talked about various approaches to take when doing the work, organized a few folders, and before you knew it, the session was over.

You watched your child eagerly head into his room to do his homework and study, feeling optimistic about the future. 

BUT… the very next week, you got a call from your child’s teacher. The homework due the previous Monday was not done, the other assignment that was completed wasn’t turned in, and he had received a poor grade on the quiz.

You were BAFFLED. You thought you had this down, but it seemed like something was missing.

You soon realized that the executive function tutor you had hired simply didn’t know any better. 

They didn’t know about the Evolved Integrated Executive Function Coaching Model.

But now, there is no excuse. Evolved has developed its own tutors who are trained and supported in using the Integrated EF Coaching Model. What’s more, they offer training to tutors anywhere in the world.

This unique coaching model teaches students strategies to improve their core executive functions, including attention, working memory, and cognitive flexibility, within Evolved’s strategic instructional approach. 

No longer will you have to settle for a tutor who simply sets up a calendar and to-do list. With Evolved’s model, your child will receive the personalized strategies and instruction they need to truly improve their executive functioning and achieve academic success.

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