Collaborative and Proactive Solutions, CPS Training

To sign up for CPS Training, parents and educators may email Becky Reback at

Collaborative and Proactive Solutions (CPS) is an approach developed by Dr. Ross W. Greene. It’s a model for understanding and addressing challenging behaviors in children and adolescents. The CPS model emphasizes collaboration between caregivers and young people to identify and solve the underlying problems that contribute to challenging behavior, rather than using traditional discipline-based methods.

The key principles of the Collaborative and Proactive Solutions approach include:

  1. Understanding the child’s perspective: CPS encourages adults to listen to and empathize with the child’s perspective to better understand the reasons behind their challenging behaviors.

  2. Identifying lagging skills: Instead of viewing challenging behavior as intentional or manipulative, CPS identifies that it often results from lagging cognitive, emotional, or social skills.

  3. Solving problems collaboratively: The approach involves working together with the child to find mutually beneficial solutions to the issues causing the behavior.

  4. Focusing on proactive interventions: CPS emphasizes the importance of preventing challenging behavior by addressing problems proactively, rather than reacting to them after they occur.

Overall, Ross Greene’s Collaborative and Proactive Solutions model aims to improve communication, reduce conflict, and help children and families develop more adaptive skills for managing challenging situations. It is often used in educational and therapeutic settings to support children with behavioral and emotional difficulties.

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