Evolved Education Company in the News

Preventing the ‘summer slip’ for students.

Summer is a time for relaxation and enjoying time off from school. However, without daily practice, students are losing the skills they worked so hard to gain throughout the school year. 
The good news is there are so many ways parents can support their kids during the summer to make sure they maintain their academic skills while enjoying their time off from school. Becky says small additions, like having your kids spend 10-20 minutes per day practicing an academic skill, to the summer routine can go a long way. Additionally, you can help your kids stay on track by creating a pacing calendar of the work they need to complete. 
Kids aren’t the only ones who need to keep up with their skills over the summer. The summer is a great time for teachers to start planning for the following year. This will help to make their teaching more efficient and hopefully prevent burnout at the end of the school year.

A World of Difference: Embracing Neurodiversity

Education is no cakewalk for students with learning and attention issues.

Statistics show that students who learn differently drop out of high school at nearly three times the rate of all students.

And neurodivergent students who do complete high school attend four-year colleges at half the rate of their peers.

While there are various barriers such as week perceived stigma, soft skills, and proving their disabilities to receive accommodations that keep students with learning disabilities from entering the academy, not going to college for many students boils down to something fundamental: cost.

That’s where a program called vocational rehabilitation can throw these families a lifeline.

Helping Kids Stay Engaged in Learning During Holiday Break

Winter recess means time off for students. But with many kids still dealing with learning loss from the pandemic, this time could be valuable to help students catch up, or at least not fall further behind during the holidays.

Mary Miele, founder of Evolved Education Company, joined “News All Day” with tips on how to bolster learning while school is out.

Miele recommends creating a structure for the unstructured time that the student will have. It’s also important to ask what they want to accomplish during the break and then make a plan to help them achieve those goals. Finally, she suggests sharing an activity you both enjoy, whether that’s reading, playing sports, or doing something else that keeps everyone engaged.

Preventing the “Summer Slip”: Prepping Kids for School:

Over the summer, kids can lose some of the knowledge they gained during the school year. It’s known as the “Summer Slip” and our guest today shares how to prevent it from happening to your child.

Miele says that students lose about 30% of learning during the summertime. For younger students, they tend to lose skills like reading, writing, and mathematics. For older students it’s more about the content (ex. chemistry or algebra) that gets lost. Some even need to review “independence skills,” like how to accomplish tasks.  

The good news is that you don’t need to do much to have an impact. Ten minutes a day or an hour a week, helps prevent the “Summer Slip.” Keep things simple with flashcards or workbooks. Ask your older kids how they would like to help solve the problem of the “Summer Slip.”

Kids in America on CBS 2: Organizational Routines with Kim Wilde

Mary discusses organizational routines to support heading back to school with Kim Wilde of CBS 2. Learn what children should do before heading to school, the stop light strategy, plus organizational strategies for teens.

Request an Interview

Evolved Education founder, CEO and educator Mary Miele is available for media appearances on topics including:

  • Back to school tips
  • Selecting a school for your child
  • Avoiding the “summer slump”
  • What is executive functioning and why is it important?
  • Understanding learning disabilities

For all media requests, please email ella@evolveded.com.

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