
Back to School High School Students

Supporting High School Students With Their Transition Back to School By Becky Reback As the new school year approaches, it’s time to prepare for a successful and skillful start. Whether […]


Camp – The Perfect Setting for Learning Life Skills

At Evolved, we understand the importance of finding the best fit for each student, whether it be through public or private education systems. When considering public school options, there are several key exercises that can help families make informed choices.


Motherhood, A Journey of Love and Figuring it Out

Hello there, fellow moms, and all those who have embarked on this wild ride called motherhood! As Mother’s Day rolls around, I can’t help but reflect on what being a mom in 2024 means to me, especially considering the unique journey each of us walks. It’s like we’re all handed this puzzle with no instructions, and we’re expected to figure it out as we go along. But you know what? That’s the beauty of it.


What Schools Have Tuition Below 50K in NYC?

At Evolved Education Company, some clients ask for schools with tuition below 50K in NYC. Our school counselors work with families within our Understanding and List Building Service to determine a best-fit list of schools, and we can source schools within particular tuition ranges and educate families during the financial aid application process.

NYC Schools

What are Charter Schools in NYC?

There are over 145,000 Charter Schools in NYC. Evolved Education Company provides information and 1-1 education consulting to help families with education placement and planning.

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