
Improving Use of Working Memory

Working memory, often described as the brain’s “mental workspace,” plays a crucial role in various cognitive tasks, including writing, problem-solving, and reading comprehension. Understanding the concept of working memory and learning how to optimize its efficiency can significantly enhance students’ academic performance and overall cognitive functioning. In this article, we delve into the importance of working memory and explore effective strategies for harnessing its potential in everyday tasks.

What is Working Memory?

Working memory is a cognitive system responsible for temporarily holding and manipulating information needed to complete tasks. It allows individuals to retain relevant information while simultaneously processing new input or performing mental operations. Think of it as a mental whiteboard where information is temporarily stored and manipulated before being used or discarded.

Applications in Writing, Problem Solving, and Reading

Working memory plays a critical role in various academic tasks, including:

  • Writing: In writing, working memory helps students hold onto key ideas, organize thoughts, and maintain coherence throughout the composition process.

  • Problem Solving: When solving problems, working memory allows individuals to keep track of relevant information, apply problem-solving strategies, and adjust their approach based on feedback.

  • Reading Longer Texts: When reading longer texts, working memory helps students process and retain information, make connections between ideas, and infer meaning from the text.

Assessing and Enhancing Working Memory Capacity

Assessing students’ working memory capacity can help educators tailor interventions and strategies to meet individual needs. Once students understand how capable their working memory is, they can learn strategies to maximize its efficiency. Here are some effective techniques:

  1. Quick Outlines: Encourage students to create quick outlines or mind maps before writing to organize their thoughts and reduce cognitive load.

  2. Vocabulary Lists: Provide students with vocabulary lists or flashcards to help them encode and retrieve new information more efficiently.

  3. Problem-Solving Frameworks: Teach students problem-solving frameworks, such as the problem-solving process or algorithms, to scaffold their thinking and reduce cognitive load.

  4. Note-taking: Teach students effective note-taking strategies, such as Cornell notes or concept mapping, to offload information from working memory and facilitate retrieval during study sessions.

Benefits of Utilizing Working Memory Strategies

By teaching students how to leverage working memory effectively, educators empower them to:

  • Improve their writing coherence and organization.
  • Enhance their problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities.
  • Increase their reading comprehension and retention of longer texts.
  • Manage academic tasks more efficiently and effectively.


For more information about the Integrated Executive Function Coaching Program and work of Mary Miele, our founder and creator of the Integrated Executive Function Coaching Model, please email Mary Miele at To get set up with an Integrated EF Coach, please email Amy Nathan at 

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