At Evolved Education Company, some clients ask for schools with tuition below 50K in NYC. Our school counselors work with families within our Understanding and List Building Service to determine a best-fit list of schools, and we can source schools within particular tuition ranges and educate families during the financial aid application process.
With the rising cost of living in NYC, families are looking for schools with tuition that they can manage financially.
Typically, schools in the Parochial System are in the 15-20 K range (as of 2024-2025).
There are also some private schools with tuitions in the 30K range, and you might be able to find some of these using the search engine privateschoolreview.com. However, these options are fewer and fewer, mostly because they are difficult to sustain with private funding, and the cost of educating students is expensive.
If your family cannot afford an Independent School tuition, typically in the 50K range, you can apply for need-based financial aid. Financial aid is important if it supports your child’s education.
To book a consultation to guide your education planning process, please book a call with Becky Reback, School Consultant at Evolved Education Company.